Working Papers

 Working Papers and Papers in Preparation

  1. “Leniency and Loyalty in the Choice of Certifiers: Evidence from the BRC Food Safety Standard,” 2016, with Yuqing Zheng. (Submitted).
  2. “Patent Validity, Settlements and Litigation,” 2016, with Jesse Kalinowski. Earlier version presented in the Workshop on Innovations, Patents and Licensing at Stony Brook, NY. July, 2014. (Submitted).
  3. “Patent Reexamination,” 2016, with Brendan Costello.
  4. “Patent Term and Entry,” 2016, with Oskar Liivak.
  5. “A Measure of Distance and Social Polarization: Political and Historical Roots,” 2016, with Metin M. Cosgel, Thomas J. Miceli and Sadullah Yıldırım, 2015. Working papers 2015-14, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
  6. “Online Posting of Teaching Evaluations,” 2015, with Vrinda Kadiyali and Asaf Zussman.
  7. “Deferred Examination,” 2015, with Vidya Atal.
  8. “Direct to Consumer Adverting of Pharmaceutical Drugs: Information and Persuasion,” 2015, with Dean Lillard. NBER Working Paper No. 19794. January, 2014.
  9. “Testable Implications of a Simple Moral Hazard Model,” 2007. Cornell University.
